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[港股财报]:元力控股2024年年报 -j9九游会老哥俱乐部官网

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股份代號:1933stock code : 1933於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司incorporated in the cayman islands withlimited liability2024annual report年報annual report 年報2024 1 contents 目錄 corporate information 2 公司資料 2 group structure 4 集團架構 4 board and committees 5 董事會及委員會 5 directors and senior management 6 董事會及高級管理人員 6 chairman’s statement 9 主席報告 9 ceo’s review and management discussion and analysis 12 行政總裁回顧及管理層討論與分析 12 corporate governance report 27 企業管治報告 27 directors’ report 55 董事會報告 55 independent auditor’s report 75 獨立核數師報告 75 consolidated statement of profit or loss 84 綜合損益表 84 consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 85 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 85 consolidated statement of financial position 86 綜合財務狀況表 86 consolidated statement of changes in equity 88 綜合權益變動表 88 condensed consolidated cash flow statement 89 簡明綜合現金流量表 89 condensed consolidated cash flow statement 90 簡明綜合現金流量表 90 notes to the financial statements 91 財務報表附註 91 financial summary 171 財務摘要 171 definitions 172 釋義 172 2 corporate information 公司資料 stock code 1933 company secretary hui yin shan acg, acs authorised reprensentatives wang dongbin hui yin shan auditor kpmg certified public accountants public interest entity auditor registered in accordance with the accounting and financial reporting council ordinance investor calendar 2024 final results announcement: 26 june 2024 annual general meeting: 16 september 2024 registered office cricket square hutchins drive p.o. box 2681 grand cayman, ky1-1111 cayman islands principal place of business in the prc 9th floor, tower e, jia hua mansion no. 9, 3rd shang di street haidian district beijing, china 股份代號 1933 公司秘書 許燕珊 acg, acs 授權代表 王東斌 許燕珊 核數師 畢馬威會計師事務所執業會計師 於《會計及財務滙報局條例》下的註冊 公眾利益實體核數師 財務日誌 2024年末期業績公告:2024年6月26日 股東週年大會:2024年9月16日 註冊辦事處 cricket square hutchins drive p.o. box 2681 grand cayman, ky1-1111 cayman islands 中國主要營業地點 中國北京 海淀區 上地三街9號 嘉華大廈e座9層 3 corporate information 公司資料 principal place of business in hong kong 5/f, manulife place 348 kwun tong road hong kong cayman islands share registrar and transfer office conyers trust company (cayman) limited cricket square hutchins drive p.o. box 2681 grand cayman, ky1-1111 cayman islands hong kong branch share registrar link market services (hong kong) pty limited suite 1601, 16/f, central tower, 28 queen’s road central hong kong investor information corporate press releases, financial reports and other investor information are available online at the website of the company. investor relations contact direct enquiries to: facsimile: 852 2262 7843 email: renzhi.zhou@oneforce.com.cn website www.oneforce.com.hk 香港主要營業地點 香港 九龍觀塘道348號 宏利廣場5樓 開曼群島股份過戶登記處 conyers trust company (cayman) limited cricket square hutchins drive p.o. box 2681 grand cayman, ky1-1111 cayman islands 香港股份過戶登記分處 link market services (hong kong) pty limited 香港中環皇后大道中28號 中匯大厦16樓1601室 投資者資訊 公司新聞稿、財務報告及其他投資者 資料均登載於本公司網站。 投資者聯絡人 如有查詢,請直接聯絡: 傳真: 852 2262 7843 電郵:renzhi.zhou@oneforce.com.cn 網站 www.oneforce.com.hk 4 group structure 集團架構 (1) incorporated in the cayman islands 成立於開曼群島 (2) incorporated in the bvi 成立於英屬處女群島 (3) incorporated in hong kong, china 成立於中國香港 (4) incorporated in beijing, china 成立於中國北京 * for identification purpose only 僅供識別 5 board and committees 董事會及委員會 board of directors executive directors wang dongbin (chairman) wu zhanjiang (chief executive officer) wu hongyuan (executive president) li kangying independent non-executive directors ng kong fat han bin wang peng committees audit committee ng kong fat (chairman) han bin wang peng nomination committee wang dongbin (chairman) han bin wang peng remuneration committee han bin (chairman) wang dongbin ng kong fat 董事會 執行董事 王東斌(主席) 吳戰江(行政總裁) 吳洪淵(執行總裁) 李抗英 獨立非執行董事 吳光發 韓彬 王鵬 委員會 審核委員會 吳光發(主席) 韓彬 王鵬 提名委員會 王東斌(主席) 韓彬 王鵬 薪酬委員會 韓彬(主席) 王東斌 吳光發 6 directors and senior management 董事會及高級管理人員 board of directors mr. wang dongbin, aged 56, is a founder of our group, and the chairman and an executive director. mr. wang is also the chairman of the nomination committee and a member of the remuneration committee of the company. he is primarily responsible for the overall business corporate strategies planning and development of our group. he obtained a bachelor’s degree in modern physics application from tsinghua university in the prc in july 1990. he obtained a master’s degree in nuclear physics from tsinghua university in july 1992. mr. wang has over 20 years of experience in the information technology industry. prior to founding our group, mr. wang started his career in the industry when he was first employed as a technical director by beijing teletron internet technology company ltd. between may 1996 and june 2001. he then joined becom software co, ltd. as the general manager between july 2001 and april 2008. between may 2008 and july 2012, he wa





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