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ugc for e-commercea comprehensive guide to w h a t ’s inside© 2023 bazaarvoice, inc. 2guide to ugc for e-commerce3 introduction4 build ugc-rich pdps to grow revenue10 add search value with user-generated content 20 power and efficient content supply chain23 keep people coming back to buy directly27 learn from the voice of your customer34 key takeaways introductioncommerce has shifted — brands and retailers are no longer leading the charge and dictating how and what consumers buy. consumers are undoubtedly more effective at selling products than brands in today’s commerce landscape.but as marketers, we’re biased toward branded content. and we’ve spent a sizable percentage of our budget and time creating it. in 2021 alone, brands spent $7 billion on advertising to inform and influence consumer behavior. the fact is shoppers want to hear from other shoppers. 83% of shoppers surveyed in our 2022 shopper experience index said they trust organic posts from influencers more than sponsored posts.1 and user-generated content (ugc) outperforms branded content on all counts, authenticity included. if engaging consumers solely by pushing messages through advertising no longer works, what does? brands must empower their customers to advocate and sell on their behalf. companies that pursue a ugc marketing strategy will increase their revenue, conversion rate, seo impact, and in-store sales (if applicable). here’s how to get those results.© 2023 bazaarvoice, inc. 3guide to ugc for e-commerce build ugc-rich pdps to grow revenuetoday, there’s tremendous pressure on companies to operate more profitably. and there’s also pressure on stakeholders to do more with fewer resources. many e-commerce managers are being asked to increase everything from traffic and conversion rates to average order values and revenue — and prove they’re doing it efficiently.you can accomplish all these things by focusing on one core area of your business: the product detail page.well-optimized pdps can improve search results, provide a better user experience, and give you a competitive edge over other brands and retailers. and today’s shopper journey is fueled by the rich pdp. real people packing in the adventure with us. share yours with #gofurtheryellow backpack #© 2023 bazaarvoice, inc. 4guide to ugc for e-commerce why is a rich product detail page important?the traditional pdp begins with a product and surrounds it with supporting content. unfortunately, on average, only 1.77% of visits to these traditional e-commerce websites convert into a purchase.2struggling to convert traffic is a common problem.in fact, only 15% of the 71 top-grossing us and european e-commerce sites have a “good” product page user experience — and more than half of all product pages rank either “mediocre” or “poor.”3why are product detail pages underperforming despite being critical to e-commerce success?the common reasons why pdps fail are:• they are too basic• they haven’t been optimized for target customers• they don’t inspire shoppersunlike a traditional product detail page, the rich pdp starts with images and user-generated content. integrating shopper content drives interest at every stage of the shopper journey – from the initial search all the way through to the purchase — and helps to create a site experience that rivals the biggest of your e-commerce competitors.5© 2023 bazaarvoice, inc. guide to ugc for e-commerce how to build a high-converting, rich pdpoptimizing your product detail pages makes it easier for customers to find the information they need about your products and improves their overall website experience. and providing a good user experience can help build customer loyalty, encourage repeat purchases, and increase sales.but how, exactly, do you build a rich pdp? these nine tips will drive conversion and improve your website’s user experience.1. feature content shoppers need to make informed decisionshelpful product descriptions, reviews, and shopper images and videos inspire consumer confidence and increase the likelihood of a purchase. 88%of shoppers use reviews to discover and evaluate products150%of consumers prefer a mix of branded and shopper photos and videos12. help in-store shoppers easily research your products online bringing user-generated content to the brick-and-mortar experience can help in-store shoppers make purchase decisions. for example, 36% of shoppers want virtual displays in stores showing customer reviews, photos, and videos, while 34% want qr codes that can be scanned to read online reviews. additionally, 33% of shoppers want to see live, up-to-date star ratings for products in stores.4© 2023 bazaarvoice, inc. 6guide to ugc for e-commerce 3. showcase your highest converting content first showcasing high-converting user-generated content at the top of your product detail page is critical to capturing the attention of online shoppers. why? because 79% of shoppers say online reviews have as much of an impact





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