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[港股财报]:宝光实业年报二零二四 -j9九游会老哥俱乐部官网

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(stock code 股份代號:84)annual report 2024年報二零二四 contentsfinancial summary 1report of the directors 2management discussion and analysis 26independent auditor’s report 33consolidated income statement and statement of other comprehensive income 45consolidated balance sheet 46consolidated statement of changes in equity 48consolidated statement of cash flows 49notes to the consolidated financial statements 51particulars of investment properties held 170environmental, social and governance report 171corporate governance report 210corporate information 238company directory 240financial calendar 243財務摘要董事會報告書管理層討論及分析獨立核數師報告綜合收益表及其他全面 收益表綜合資產負債表綜合權益變動表綜合現金流量表綜合財務報表附註所持投資物業詳情環境、社會及管治報告企業管治報告公司資料公司資料索引財務日誌目錄 financial summarystelux holdings international limitedannual report 2024財務摘要120202021202220232024hk$’mhk$’mhk$’mhk$’mhk$’m港幣佰萬元港幣佰萬元港幣佰萬元港幣佰萬元港幣佰萬元 consolidated income statement for the years ended 31 march綜合收益表 截至3月31日止年度revenue收入1,034.8706.3692.5805.5767.6net (loss)/profit for the year年度淨(虧損)╱溢利(402.7)(81.6)(106.5)51.1473.3 interim dividend paid已派中期股息–––––final dividend proposed擬派末期股息––––– consolidated balance sheet綜合資產負債表 as at 31 march 3月31日結算assets資產1,705.91,357.81,182.01,063.11,428.6less: liabilities and減:負債及 non-controlling interests 非控股權益1,175.5870.3803.9639.0522.0 shareholders’ funds股東資金530.4487.5378.1424.1906.6 hk$hk$hk$hk$hk$港幣元港幣元港幣元港幣元港幣元per share data每股資料(loss)/earnings(虧損)╱盈利(0.385)(0.0783)(0.102)0.04850.4521interim dividend paid已派中期股息–––––final dividend proposed擬派末期股息–––––shareholders’ funds股東資金0.5070.4660.3610.4050.866 report of the directors寶光實業(國際)有限公司2024年年報董事會報告書2the directors of the company (the “board”) submit their report together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 march 2024.principal activitiesthe principal activity of the company is investment holding. the activities of its principal subsidiaries are set out in note 40 on pages 166 to 169 to the financial statements.business reviewa fair review of the group’s businesses for the year ended 31 march 2024 and an indication of likely future development in the group’s businesses are set out under management discussion and analysis on pages 26 to 32.there were no important events affecting the group that have occurred since the end of fy2023/24.stelux is a company that cares about the way it does business, the way we engage with our customers, our employees, our suppliers, and others in general. certain core principles underpin the way we achieve our business objectives. we engage our business partners and treat our employees in a fair, honest and responsible manner to deliver sustainable results to our shareholders.our vision to “beautify and enrich lives through our products and services” underscores the way we engage with our customers. from our lifestyle products, ranging from trendy watches and smart watches available at our physical and online stores, we strive to deliver a personal shopping experience to our customers engaging them through traditional and social media.customers looking for a wide brand selection will enjoy shopping at multi-branded retailer “city chain”, appealing to customers who enjoy fashionable watches. 本公司董事會(「董事會」)提呈董事會報告書連同截至2024年3月31日止年度的經審核財務報表。主要業務本公司的主要業務為投資控股。其主要附屬公司的業務載於財務報表第166頁至第169頁附註40。業務回顧有關截至2024年3月31日止年度本集團業務的公平檢討及本集團業務未來可能發展的評論載於第26頁至第32頁的管理層討論及分析。自於2023/24財政年度結束以來,概無發生對集團造成影響的重要事件。寶光一直重視其經營業務的手法以及與顧客、員工、供應商及其他人士的互動形式。我們依照若干核心原則經營業務,務求實現業務目標。我們以公平、誠實及負責的態度與業務夥伴合作及對待員工,從而為股東帶來持續回報。「通過我們提供的產品和服務,豐富和美化您的生活」的願景強調了我們服務客戶的方式。由我們的實體店舖及網上購物平台所提供的潮流手錶及智能穿戴式裝置等生活產品,本集團致力為顧客帶來傳統及社交媒體層面的個人購物體驗。作為多樣化品牌零售商,「時間廊」讓客戶享有廣泛的鐘錶品牌選擇,吸引追求時尚鐘錶的客戶。 report of the directorsstelux holdings international limitedannual report 2024董事會報告書3as for the group’s watch wholesale business, (in addition to selling to city chain), our customers comprise of a large network of independent dealer stores spanning, hong kong, singapore, malaysia, macau and brunei. many of these dealers have been doing business with the group for an average period of over 25 years. some of our watch dealers operate at least 2 points of sales.with older workers delaying retirement and younger workers joining the workforce, the group is aware of the challenges brought on by these underlying structural changes and also higher employee expectations towards work life balance and work fluidity. we continue with our mission to grow, respect and reward our employees as they progress their careers with us. more details on the group’s employment and labour practices can be found on pages 195 to 201 of the environmental, social and governance report.the group’s suppliers are an important component of our businesses, ranging from upstream component vend





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