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[港股财报]:智中国际年报2024 -j9九游会老哥俱乐部官网

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lotus horizon holdings limited智中國際控股有限公司(incorporated in the cayman islands with limited liability)(於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司)stock code 股份代號 : 6063annual report年報2024 contents目錄corporate information2公司資料chairman’s statement5主席報告management discussion and analysis7管理層討論及分析biographical details of directors and senior management15董事及高級管理層履歷詳情directors’ report23董事會報告corporate governance report36企業管治報告environmental, social and governance report54環境、社會及管治報告independent auditor’s report92獨立核數師報告consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income99綜合損益及其他全面收益表consolidated statement of financial position100綜合財務狀況表consolidated statement of changes in equity101綜合權益變動表consolidated statement of cash flows102綜合現金流量表notes to the consolidated financial statements104綜合財務報表附註financial summary176財務概要 corporate information公司資料2lotus horizon holdings limited / annual report 2024board of directorsexecutive directorsmr. chu kwok fun (chairman and chief executive officer)mr. tsang chiu wanmr. chen shu an (appointed on 11 june 2024)independent non-executive directorsms. leung yin faimr. ma tsz chunms. yuen wai yeeaudit committeemr. ma tsz chun (chairman)ms. leung yin fai ms. yuen wai yeeremuneration committeems. leung yin fai (chairlady)mr. tsang chiu wan mr. chen shu an (appointed on 11 june 2024)mr. ma tsz chunms. yuen wai yeenomination committeemr. chu kwok fun (chairman)mr. ma tsz chun ms. leung yin faicompany secretarymr. yeung kin waauthorised representativesmr. chu kwok funmr. yeung kin waregistered office in cayman islandscricket square, hutchins drivepo box 2681grand cayman ky1-1111cayman islands董事會執行董事朱國歡先生(主席兼行政總裁)曾昭維先生陳樹安先生(於二零二四年六月十一日獲委任)獨立非執行董事梁燕輝女士馬時俊先生袁慧儀女士審核委員會馬時俊先生(主席)梁燕輝女士袁慧儀女士薪酬委員會梁燕輝女士(主席)曾昭維先生陳樹安先生(於二零二四年六月十一日獲委任)馬時俊先生袁慧儀女士提名委員會朱國歡先生(主席)馬時俊先生梁燕輝女士公司秘書楊建華先生授權代表朱國歡先生楊建華先生開曼群島註冊辦事處cricket square, hutchins drivepo box 2681grand cayman ky1-1111cayman islands corporate information公司資料3智中國際控股有限公司 / 二零二四年年報總部及香港主要營業地點 香港新界沙田安耀街3號匯達大廈21樓香港法律的法律顧問史蒂文生黃律師事務所香港皇后大道中15號置地廣場告羅士打大廈39樓開曼群島股份過戶登記總處 conyers trust company (cayman) limitedcricket square, hutchins drivepo box 2681grand caymanky1-1111cayman islands香港股份過戶登記分處 卓佳證券登記有限公司香港夏愨道16號遠東金融中心17樓核數師德勤 • 關黃陳方會計師行執業會計師註冊公眾利益實體核數師香港金鐘道88號太古廣場一座35樓headquarters and principal place ofbusiness in hong kong21/f, delta house3 on yiu streetshatin, new territorieshong konglegal adviser as to hong kong lawstevenson, wong & co.39th floorgloucester towerthe landmark15 queen’s road centralhong kongcayman islands principal share registrar and transfer officeconyers trust company (cayman) limitedcricket square, hutchins drivepo box 2681grand caymanky1-1111cayman islandshong kong branch share registrar andtransfer officetricor investor services limited17/f, far east finance centre16 harcourt roadhong kongauditordeloitte touche tohmatsucertified public accountantsregistered public interest entity auditor35th floor, one pacific place88 queenswayhong kong corporate information公司資料4lotus horizon holdings limited / annual report 2024主要往來銀行中國銀行(香港)有限公司香港花園道1號大新銀行有限公司香港告士打道108號光大中心35樓香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司香港皇后大道中1號滙豐總行大廈公司網站www.lotushorizonholdings.com股份代號6063principal bankersbank of china (hong kong) limited1 garden roadhong kongdah sing bank limited35th floor, everbright centre108 gloucester roadhong kongthe hongkong and shanghai banking corporation limited hsbc main building1 queen’s road centralhong kongcompany websitewww.lotushorizonholdings.comstock code6063 chairman’s statement主席報告5智中國際控股有限公司 / 二零二四年年報dear shareholders,on behalf of the board (the “board”) of directors (the “directors”) of lotus horizon holdings limited (the “company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “group”), i am pleased to present the annual report of the group for the year ended 31 march 2024 (the “year” or “fy2024”).social activities resumed normalcy after the lifting of anti-epidemic precautionary measures and restrictions in hong kong, after gone through three years of covid-19 epidemic. the construction progress of the group’s key projects returned to normal during the year. a significant increase in revenue of approximately hk$52.0 million or 27.3% was recognised by the group, compared with that of prior financial year.with strong emphasis on costs control enhancement, as well as work quality and safety, the group’s gross profit margin continued to improve. the group reported an increase of gross profit margin from approximately 6.7% for the year ended 31 march 2023 to approximately 10.9% for the fy2024. we will keep maintaining control measures to position the company for long-term global trends.on the other hand, global economic uncertainty and high interest rates restrain the demand of private housing. the glut of unsold units in hong kong market further places pressure on local private residential property price. property developers tend to slow down the development of projects or construction on hand, leading to a decrease in number of residential and commercial properties development projects in the hong ko





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