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[港股财报]:易生活控股2024年报 -j9九游会老哥俱乐部官网

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_, (incorporated in the cayman islands with limited liability) (於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司)stock code 股份代號:223annualreport2024年報 1 corporate information公司資料2 corporate profile公司簡介3 financial highlights 財務摘要4 management discussion and analysis管理層討論及分析12 directors & senior management profiles董事及高級管理層簡介15 corporate governance report企業管治報告37 report of the directors董事會報告52 independent auditors’ report獨立核數師報告書57 audited financial statements and notes審核財務報表及附註–consolidated綜合•statement of profit or loss and othercomprehensive income損益及其他全面收益表•statement of financial position財務狀況表•statement of changes in equity權益變動表•statement of cash flows現金流量表–notes to the consolidatedfinancial statements綜合財務報表附註contents 目錄 corporate information公司資料1elife holdings limited 易生活控股有限公司 · annual report 2024 年報board of directorsexecutive directors:chiu sui keung (chief executive officer)zhang shaoyan (chief investment officer) (appointed on 1 july 2023)qin jiali (appointed on 1 july 2023)zhao zhenzhong (appointed on 9 november 2023)guo wei (appointed on 9 november 2023)zhang xiaobin (retired on 29 september 2023)gao feng (retired on 29 september 2023)independent non-executive directors:cheng wing keung, raymondlam williamsonwong hoi kuenlam lee g. (resigned on 7 february 2024)audit committeelam williamson (chairman) cheng wing keung, raymondwong hoi kuenremuneration committeelam williamson (chairman)cheng wing keung, raymondchiu sui keungnomination committeecheng wing keung, raymond (chairman)lam williamsonwong hoi kuencompany secretarychow chi faiprincipal place of business in hong kongunit 806, level 8, core dcyberport 3, 100 cyberport roadhong kongregistered officecricket squarehutchins drivep.o. box 2681grand cayman ky1-1111cayman islandsprincipal bankerbank of china (hong kong) limitedauditorshlb hodgson impey cheng limitedcertified public accountants31/f., gloucester tower, the landmark11 pedder street, central, hong kongshare registrartricor tengis limited17/f, far east finance centre16 harcourt roadhong konglegal advisersloong & yeung solicitorsroom 1603, 16/f, china building29 queen’s road central, centralhong kongstock code00223董事會執行董事:趙瑞強(行政總裁)張紹岩(首席投資總監)(於二零二三年七月一日獲委任)覃佳麗(於二零二三年七月一日獲委任)趙振中(於二零二三年十一月九日獲委任)郭偉(於二零二三年十一月九日獲委任)張曉彬(於二零二三年九月二十九日退任)高峰(於二零二三年九月二十九日退任)獨立非執行董事:鄭永強林全智黃海權林家禮(於二零二四年二月七日辭任)審核委員會林全智(主席)鄭永強黃海權薪酬委員會林全智(主席)鄭永強趙瑞強提名委員會鄭永強(主席)林全智黃海權公司秘書周志輝香港主要營業地點香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座d區8樓806室註冊辦事處cricket squarehutchins drivep.o. box 2681grand cayman ky1-1111cayman islands主要來往銀行中國銀行(香港)有限公司核數師國衛會計師事務所有限公司香港執業會計師香港中環畢打街11號置地廣場告羅士打大廈31字樓股份登記處卓佳登捷時有限公司香港夏愨道16號遠東金融中心17樓法律顧問龍炳坤、楊永安律師行香港中環皇后大道中29號華人行16樓1603室股份代號00223 2annual report 2024 年報 · elife holdings limited 易生活控股有限公司corporate profile公司簡介elife holdings limited (the “company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “group”) is principally engaged in the supply chain business for branded goods and consumer products in the greater china region. the group’s core activities encompass a comprehensive range of brand digitisation services, such as brand management, brand promotion and brand supply chain, thereby establishing an integrated industry chain. in addition, the company is also engaged in the supply chain, sales and marketing, and brand building of daily cleaning, anti-epidemic and licensed branded consumer goods. we are currently expanding our business into various consumer goods markets conforming to the group’s business philosophy of “an easier life and better livelihood”, striving to provide consumers with a more comfortable, convenient, environmentally friendly, and healthier lifestyle experience.the group has been managing the following businesses:supply chain businessthe group is engaged in the comprehensive supply chain business for commodities, branded goods and consumer products, focusing on assisting brand suppliers to expand their online and offline sales channels, establishing direct sales channels with end customers (b2c2c), and offering various value-added services such as brand building, management and promotion for brand owners (or their advertising agents) to form a complete industry chain. with respect to our brand promotion services, the group offers digital intelligent marketing plan to enhance customers’ brand awareness and boost product sales through different online and offline platforms, including scenario-based digital media in hotel venues and various social media platforms such as tiktok, kuaishou. etc.daily cleaning and anti-epidemic products businessthe company possesses the brand “易安生”/“e’ansn” and the supply chain including the formula, brand and package design of the anti-epidemic and daily cleaning products and is principally engaged in the sale, marketing and brand building of such products in the people’s republic of china (the “prc”) and overseas.licensed branded





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